Ut de Dompierre | |
Owner: Mr. S. Ciangura | Points: 0 |
Horse Information |
Performances in Malta |
Meeting Date | No. | Distance | Type | Class | Driver | Place | Time |
03/03/2019 | Race 10 / n6 | 2140m | Autostart | 150th Anniversary Grand Final | Michael Ellul | 1 | 1'13"3 | |
10/02/2019 | Race 7 / n11 | 2640m | Autostart | Premier | David Ellul | 7 | 1'16"0 | |
27/01/2019 | Race 6 / n2 | 2140m | Autostart | Premier | David Ellul | 2 | 1'16"3 | |
08/12/2018 | Race 6 / n2 | 2140m | Autostart | The President`s Cup Final 2018 | Michael Ellul | 6 | 1'16"5 | |
25/11/2018 | Race 7 / n8 | 2140m | Autostart | The President`s Cup S/F1 | Michael Ellul | 1 | 1'17"9 | |
30/07/2018 | Race 7 / n3 | 2640m | Stationary | Premier MRTL Summer c`ship Final | Michael Ellul | 1 | 1'14"3 | |
14/07/2018 | Race 8 / n6 | 2140m | Stationary | Premier Summer c`ship Leg3 | Michael Ellul | 1 | 1'13"6 | |
23/06/2018 | Race 7 / n16 | 2140m | Stationary | Premier Summer c`ship Leg1 | Michael Ellul | 3 | 1'13"9 | |
10/06/2018 | Race 5 / n5 | 2140m | Autostart | Prix de Vincennes Premier Final | Michael Ellul | 1 | 1'14"4 | |
27/05/2018 | Race 9 / n2 | 2140m | Autostart | LeTrot Premier C`ship S/F2 | Michael Ellul | 1 | 1'15"3 | |
13/05/2018 | Race 4 / n9 | 2140m | Autostart | LeTrot C`ship Premier H.1 | Michael Ellul | 1 | 1'14"8 | |
29/04/2018 | Race 5 / n7 | 2140m | Stationary | Premier | Michael Ellul | 5 | 1'15"6 |
Statistics provided by www.MaltaTrotRacing.com |